11 period mistakes to avoid for better health and hygiene
Periods tend to be synonymous with menstrual pain, cramps, and other symptoms and are a hassle for almost every individual who menstruates. Approximately 80% of menstruating individuals experience period pain at some point. Period management involves several effective strategies and home remedies to alleviate discomfort and ensure hygiene and safety during this time. In addition, being aware of certain common period mistakes can help ensure a more hassle-free menstrual cycle: Changing pads and tampons infrequently Tampons and pads are a hotbed for the accumulation of bacteria, regardless of the amount of flow. Such bacteria can cause vaginal and urinary infections and emit an unpleasant odor. Individuals with normal blood flow should change their pads or tampons once every 3-4 hours, while those experiencing heavy menstruation should do so more frequently. Being dehydrated The body loses more fluids during menstruation than on other days. Thus, it requires more water to perform various functions, including regulation of body temperature and bowel movements, lubrication of joints, and supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells. Lack of water intake can slow down these functions, increasing weakness and fatigue. It is advisable to have a bottle of water handy throughout the day and set reminders if required to take water breaks frequently during one’s period.